Class 6 Blog

Class 6 Blog

  • 13


    Posted by Miss L Heward
    Year 6 were lucky enough to have a scooter session today! They worked in teams to encourage each other to try out some tricks! Special mention to Austin and Leo for bunny hopping over an upside-down skateboard on the scooters!
  • 13

    Spanish - Can I talk about my family?

    Posted by Miss L Heward
    This week in Spanish we have continued our learning around naming family members. This week we have expressed whether or no we have siblings and also if this answer is a singular or a plural.
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    Spanish - Can I name family members in Spanish?

    Posted by Miss L Heward
    This term in Spanish we have been looking at the titles of different family members. Year 5 have noticed the difference in the words before the titles of family members depending on if they are male or female. We will be learning more about this as the term progresses.
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    Science - Can I explain reflection and reflective materials?

    Posted by Miss L Heward
    This week year 5 went deeper into our journey of light! We looked at the science behind reflection and how different surfaces can affect reflection. We used torches and mirrors to see how far we could reflect light and thought about which objects might absorb this light. We also had a go at creating our own periscopes. We learned that light is reflected off surfaces at the same angle it comes into contact with it, meaning that periscopes can enable us to view things at different levels that are not in our direct line of vision.
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    Music - Can I use controlled breathing whilst playing an instrument?

    Posted by Miss L Heward
    So far this term we have been focusing on performing a song and what makes a good performance. In order to do this we have first looked at the meaning behind various pieces and used this to aid our understanding. We have then added instruments to these pieces, noting how controlling our breathing whilst playing can make a huge affect on the sound the instrument can produce.
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    PE Zumba

    Posted by Mrs N Lawday
    This week the whole school were lucky enough to take part in a Zumba workshop. Year 6 got 45 minutes of this fantastic dance workout and really got stuck in. They even got to do a little bit of line dancing at the end of the session to really test their coordination. Well done year 6, you were fab! Mrs Lawday and Mrs House loved it too!
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    Art - Printing

    Posted by Mrs N Lawday
    Today, year 6 did some printing within art. We used the Tudor Rose from our history work and created some great mono prints of them. We learnt from our last lesson and used less ink!
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    English - Macbeth

    Posted by Mrs N Lawday
    This term, year 6 will be looking at the story of Macbeth written by William Shakespeare. Today, in groups they performed sections of the play so we could put the pieces together and have an overview of the story. We had some great witch performances!
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    RE - Christianity

    Posted by Mrs N Lawday
    Is anything eternal? Year 6 have been discussing this within our RE sessions. They talked about things they thought could be eternal and why.
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    Music - Can I sing expressively?

    Posted by Miss L Heward
    Today we appraised 'Blackbird' by Paul McCartney. We learned that the song was written about the Civil Rights movement! Year 6 then had a go at performing just boys and just girls to hear the differences in tones of voice. Year 6 show such amazing enthusiasm towards their singing and we have such a great time during music lessons!