Class 4 Blog

Class 4 Blog

  • 29

    Art - Designing Canopic jars

    Posted by Mr A Hart
    Today in Art we looked at the use of canopic jars. We then created our own designs for our own canopic we're going to make later in the term. Some creative ideas made, but we won't be storing any organs, so don't worry when they come home.
  • 27

    Computing - Repeat comand

    Posted by Mr A Hart
    Today we focused more on using turtle playground and the function of the repeat command. We created a range of letters and saw which ones were possible through repeat and providing those important specific commands.
  • 24

    PE - Egyptian dance

    Posted by Mr A Hart
    Today in PE we focused on mirroring each other and working in pairs. We performed a variety of dances and focused on movements relating to building a tomb.
  • 22

    Zumba experience

    Posted by Mr A Hart
    We were really lucky to have a Zumba workout in school. We enjoyed a great session which was quite hard work. Well done year 4.
  • 21

    PSHE - Broken Dreams

    Posted by Mr A Hart
    Today we looked at a range of scenarios where we had to deal with challenges face by many in life..we then discussed ideas that could overcome these problems. We came up with some great ideas. Well done year 4
  • 20

    PE - Coding

    Posted by Mr A Hart
    Today as part of our coding lesson, we were given the task to see how many letters we could draw using turtle playground and providing our turtle with specific instructions. We learnt that we had to be very specific for the code to work properly.
  • 15

    Art - Observing Ancient Egyptian artefacts

    Posted by Mr A Hart
    Today in Art we focused on looking. We focused on some Ancient Egyptian artefacts and focused on what materials they used. We're building towards making our very own artefacts...our own canopic jars.
  • 14

    RE - Kosher

    Posted by Mr A Hart
    Today in RE we focused on what we mean by the kosher and how Jewish people follow it in their diet. We learnt about the separation of dairy and meat, and split hooves.
  • 13

    Spanish - Shapes

    Posted by Mr A Hart
    In Spanish this term we are looking at shapes. We introduced ourselves to the first 5 we're looking at, playing some fun games to help us.
  • 13

    Computing - Coding

    Posted by Mr A Hart
    Today in computing we used turtle playground and looked at the importance of making sure that when we enter instructions to our computer how accurate they have to be. We made a variety of shapes and followed instructions accurately to achieve our desired result.