Class 3 Blog

Class 3 Blog

  • 14

    Computing - Coding

    Posted by Miss L Heward
    Year 3 had a go at coding three different sprites using Scratch. They programmed their sprites to move in a variety of ways using different coding blocks.
  • 14

    PSHE - Dreams and Goals

    Posted by Miss L Heward
    Year 3 thought about their future. We created a garden of dreams and goals filled with all the things the children want to achieve in their lives.
  • 10

    Romans Hook Day

    Posted by Miss L Heward
    Today we explored the Romans and looked at the extent of the Empire. We created our own Roman shields using our own designs. e thought of symbols we wanted to use and their meanings.
  • 09

    Science - Forces

    Posted by Miss L Heward
    Year 3 were introduced to forces. They learnt that a force is a push or pull on an object. We thought about how different surfaces might affect this and experimented using marbles on surfaces around the classroom to observe any effects.
  • 08

    Spanish - Seasons

    Posted by Miss L Heward
    Year 3 were introduced to the names of the four seasons in Spanish.
  • 08

    RE - What do you do when you feel sick?

    Posted by Miss L Heward
    Children read the story "Bear feels Sick". They thought about how bear got better and whether they would consider this a miracle. Year 3 thought about the things they do to feel better when they are unwell too.
  • 21

    Science - Skeletons

    Posted by Miss L Heward
    Year 3 learnt about the skeleton today. They identified which animals were vertebrates or invertebrates and considered the role of the skeleton. They created their own skeletons too!
  • 18

    PE - Netball

    Posted by Miss L Heward
    Can I demonstrate correct footwork by pivoting when I am holding the ball?
  • 15

    DT - Reviewing design

    Posted by Miss L Heward
    Today, Year 3 made some prototypes of the design so they could see them in 3D form and how it works alongside the opening mechanism of the mouth. They could decide if they were happy with their design or think about any changes they want to make before creating their final monster.
  • 13

    Music - Soundscape

    Posted by Miss L Heward
    Year 3 created a rainforest soundscape using a range of instruments. They thought about the different things they might hear in a rainforest and made choices for which instrument would best represent that sound. They also considered body percussion.