Class 2 Blog

Class 2 Blog

  • 10

    Computing - Robot Algorithm

    Posted by Mr N Kavanagh
    Today was all about BeeBots. We discussed prior learning about all the buttons and looked at how the iPad app was similar to the actual floor robots. We then spend time linking an outcome to a button press. We then investigated all the direction command buttons, as well as the ‘clear memory’ and ‘run program’ buttons.
  • 09

    P.E - Gymnastics

    Posted by Mr N Kavanagh
    Year 2 were asked the question - Can you create basic shapes with your body with some control? They then used various balances to enhance their demonstrations. They then had to work in groups to demonstrate creativity with their own balances.
  • 08

    Geography - Australia

    Posted by Mr N Kavanagh
    Year 2 were given coloured pieces of a jigsaw that represented the different states and territories of Australia. They had to problem solve in groups to piece them together to form the outline of the country. They could use atlases and refer to the map of the world on display in the class.
  • 07

    PSHE - Dreams and Goals

    Posted by Mr N Kavanagh
    We took it in turns to talk about things we have achieved, both in and out of school, already this year and how that made us feel. Then we had to choose a realistic goal and think about how to achieve it. Some of us chose a short-term goal, whilst others thought about long-term goals.
  • 06

    Art - Collage

    Posted by Mr N Kavanagh
    Year 2 started the new term by looking at various collages. They discovered that a collage is a piece of art made from different pieces of paper, photos and other materials. We worked liked collage artists and spent time arranging the materials, trying out different ideas, before sticking them onto a surface.
  • 04

    PSHE - Celebrating Difference.

    Posted by Mr N Kavanagh
    Diversity was the key word for the lesson today. What is it? What does it mean? We discussed if there was such a thing as a colour only for boys, or a job only for girls or a toy only a boy. It was encouraging to hear that this generation don't see prejudice and affirmed that you can like whatever colour, toys, clothes etc you want.
  • 03

    Science - World Habitats

    Posted by Mr N Kavanagh
    Year 2 have been identifying that most living things live in habitats to which they are suited and we discussed how different habitats provide for the basic needs of different kinds of animals and plants. We could choose between tropical, arctic, ocean or desert habitats and had to play a sorting game to find all the correct inhabitants of our chosen environment.
  • 02

    Art - The Polar Express

    Posted by Mr N Kavanagh
    We have been looking at the differences created by thick and thin brushes. We created a colour wash and then used pencils to sketch a bridge outline. We used a thin brush to paint the outline of our bridges. The children could then experiment using their colour mixing skills to add trees, stars and other background detail
  • 29

    History - Ernest Shackleton

    Posted by Mr N Kavanagh
    We have been looking at Ernest Shackleton and his epic journey to Antarctica. We have been looking at the journey from the perspective of the cat onboard, Mrs Chippy. We are writing our own mini-diary to recount the things the explorers had to face.
  • 22

    Science - Microhabitats

    Posted by Mr N Kavanagh
    We spent some time around the school grounds today searching for microhabitats. Year 2 had to identify and name a variety of plants and animals in their habitats, including microhabitats by identifying all the minibeasts that they found. Next week we will look at interpreting our data in a variety of ways.