Class 1 Blog

Class 1 Blog

  • 14


    Posted by Mrs L Baker
    Can I name animals from different oceans? The children need to know that oceans are constantly moving in patterns called current and that oceans house different groups of animals and plants. We began this by singing the ocean song and going through the knowledge this taught us. Then we learnt about a few different sea creatures. The children then made jelly fish, fish and sea scenes. We will go over this again in a few months and introduce the word currents.
  • 09


    Posted by Mrs L Baker
    We had a great chat today about how school should be a happy and safe place. We also talked about our rights and responsibilities at school for example: The children have a right to play but then also they have responsibility to tidy up after they have played. The spoke about their happy places and how this made them feel.
  • 08


    Posted by Mrs L Baker
    Can I find out about the past? I asked the children how we could find out about something that had happened a long time ago. We had a great discussion as the children suggested Siri, Google, phones, laptops and many other ways to use technology to find out facts. They eventually mentioned that books can be useful too.
  • 07


    Posted by Mrs L Baker
    Science Can I list different animals and the different things they eat? Today we learnt the terms herbivore, omnivore and carnivore. We then played a game trying to match animals to their food.
  • 03


    Posted by Mrs L Baker
    I can say what a keyboard is for. I can type my name on a computer. I can save my work to a file. We used Purple Mash to write our names. We then edited these using lots of different tools.
  • 30


    Posted by Mrs L Baker
    The children need to know the name and location of the world’s seven continents and five oceans. Also, that an ocean is a very large body of salt water and that a large portion of the Earth’s surface is ocean water. We began to learn our ocean song and then to create our own little globes. We did this by covering a sphere with blue tissue paper to represent the work covered in ocean. .
  • 26


    Posted by Mrs L Baker
    I can name the main parts of a computer. I can switch on and log into a computer. I can use a mouse to click and drag. The children learnt all about the screen and track pad on a laptop and how this can be different to other computers. We then saw how this is different on an iPad too.
  • 25


    Posted by Mrs L Baker
    Can I make a moving picture? We learnt how to join a background and a foreground together to make a slit in the card. We then created an animal that could look like it was moving across. The children did this independently.
  • 24


    Posted by Mrs L Baker
    Can I say which colours are warm? Can I make marks with different objects? Year 1 made lots of great patterns and marks with forks, knives and spoons. We learnt yellow and red make orange and that these are warm colours. We looked closely ar Eric Carle's pictures and could see the same types of marks.
  • 23


    Posted by Mrs L Baker
    This time we have learnt about a new naturalist. We used the book Little People Big Dreams to find out clues about this amazing man!